Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Cats and Camera

Sorry another short entry still not good at sitting in a proper chair for long periods. Firstly heres a more recent pic of the sock.

growing sock Posted by Picasa

I think I'm not going to make it much longer in the leg as I use trainer socks and then I just have to make the other one!!!
Ok so me and Jac went back to Jessops yesterday and got her camera and we managed to get a discount and yes I couldn't resist so I am now trying to work out what all the buttons do but I think I still prefer my other camera for everday use and this little one for when I'm travelling so my hand bags not so heavy. So obviousley I have had to practice a little so here are a couple of pics of the cats.

Michelle Posted by Picasa

Poppy Posted by Picasa

And here is little Jac getting the hang of beading, not the best light but the results very impressive. I hasten to add that she had just done two hours essay work so deserved a little break.

Jac hard at work Posted by Picasa

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