Sunday, August 06, 2006


Look what Andy's father-in-law sent us from his allotment
this week, well this plus some red skin potatoes, courgetees, green beans, spring onions, tomatoes and cucumber, yes its blue sweetcorn. I have never seen anything like it and took great pleasure in cooking it and eating it straight off the cob this afternoon, it really did look like steel. Posted by Picasa


Daisy said...

Wow, I had no idea there was such a thing! Does it taste like the normal sweetcorn?

Rosie said...

does it change colour when you cook it? I've tried a purple one that goes yellow in the pan but the water goes a deep, rich colour (haven't tried it as a dye, though).

mrspao said...

That looks lovely - we used to grow potatoes which were marbled red and white inside.

I, Like The View said...

that looks so luscious!