Now you may have noticed the little icon on the right, well as if I didn't have enough to do me and Andy have signed up for the challenge, now you have to remember that I cannot write and the longest thing I have ever managed is an 8000 word disertation let alone any work of fiction but hey I am up for a personal challenge, I know I have little hope of completeing this but its a good way to push myself (in a fun way).
So until tomorrow when there will hopefully be pictures I will leave you with this Meme
"Borrowed" from Kizlode who borrowed it from Nanny Ogg who borrowed it from Westwing who borrowed from Subville.
A - Available: NoA - Age: 35
A – Art genre: St Ives Movement
B - Best feature: You would have to ask someone else that
B - Bike: A red Raleigh as a Christmas present when I was about nine
B - Birthday: 17th May 1971B - Book: - Too many to mention
C - Crush: a grape (an English reference)
C - Car: Don’t own one
C - Comedian: Victoria Wood/Robin Williams
D - Day or night: Much more of a night person
D - Dream Car: Vintage Cherokee Jeep
D - Dogs or Cats: either
E - Egg nog: Bllrrrrgggghhhh
E - E-mail :- A wonderful way to keep in touch
E - Eggs:- Poached, fried, boiled with soldiers, egg mayo, Omlette…………
F - Favourite colour: Red
F - Favourite Band: At the moment The Magic Numbers but could change by tomorrow
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Worms
H - Hair colour: Under the red dye its very salt and peppered dark brown
H - Height: 5’11’’ish
H - Happy: As often as I can be
I - Instrument: Piano and recorder as a small kid, guitar as a teenager.
I - Idol: John Bell, he would hate that description though
J - Jewellery: A glass heart from Yvonne, other than that not a lot
J - Job: Good question, I guess you could call me a knitting consultant of a fibre artist or just self employed
J - Jail: Never
K - Kids: None except all of those kids I have worked with over the years who I still have a great attachment to
K- Knitting :- Lots and lots
L - Longest car ride: Choice of two here it was either the journey between Ibadan and Onne, Port Harcourt in Nigeria or a greyhound journey from New York via Niagara to Grand Rapids Michigan
L - Last kiss: Andy just now
L - Local: Don’t have one yet
L - Lyrics:
Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup,
They slither while they pass,
they slip away across the universePools of sorrow,
waves of joy are drifting through my open mind,
Possessing and caressing me.
Jai guru deva om
Nothing’s gonna change my world,
Nothing’s gonna change my world.
Images of broken light which dance before me like a million eyes,
That call me on and on across the universe,
Thoughts meander like a restless wind inside a letter box they
Tumble blindly as they make their wayAcross the universe
Jai guru deva om
Nothing’s gonna change my world,
Nothing’s gonna change my world.
Sounds of laughter shades of earth are ringing
Through my open views inviting and inciting me
Limitless undying love which shines around me like aMillion suns,
it calls me on and on
Across the universe
Jai guru deva om
Nothing’s gonna change my world,
Nothing’s gonna change my world.
M - Milk flavour: Banana
M - Most missed memory: I wish I could recapture some of my memories with both of my grandmothers as they were both very influential in my life
M - Movie last watched: Purple Rain
N - Number of Siblings: 1 sister, 1 brother and one half brother
N - Nickname: Nic, Niki, Maureen (don’t ask) Sue (don’t ask as well) Tigger
O - One wish: To be happy and settled
O - One regret: I try not to do them as if you keep looking back then you lose time in your future.
P - Part of your appearance you love: Quite like my tattoo but that’s about it.
P - Pets:- I had cats as a child then there were the mice, the fish, the dog, dwarf hamsters, another cat and at the moment we haven’t got any but there are discussions about rats going on and of course I get to enjoy all the cats and rabbits at Silkwood
Q - Quick or Slow?: Both
R - Reason to smile: Andy, being creative
R - Reality TV Show: I say to myself every time that I won’t get sucked in but still do
S - Song Last Heard: Something like Simon Webbs new single in Asda (not My kind of music really)
S - Silver or Gold: Silver
T - Time you woke up: About 8.30 – ish got up about nine
T - Time for bed: Depends when I have to work, if I am working the next day I have to have at least 8hrs sleep.
T - Ticklish: Yes, very
U - Unpredictable: - Rarely
U - Underwear: either big and comfortable but sometimes a bit of lace and silk can make a woman feel good
V - Vegetable you hate: Brussel Sprouts
V - Vacation spot: Woolacombe, Devon
W- Worst habit: Mothering people and worrying too much
W- Where are you going to travel:- don’t know quite happy where I am at the moment
X - X-Ray: Jaw and teeth lots, hands, chest can’t think of anything more
Y - Yellow:- One of the few colours I really don’t get on with
Z - Zodiac Sign: - Taurus

it's OK, I'm not asking!!
Snaps for Taurus.
Some of my favorite song lyrics as well.
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