Friday, December 29, 2006

hi 3

I also got some other lovely gifts, Andys son got me a meditation set (he knows me far to well) and Jacinta sent me some beautiful fibre to spin from the Fiber Factory I did attempt to take a picture of it but the light here has been so dull it doesn't show up very well but it is a beautiful mix of Merino and Silk in tones of Charcol, hopefully when I have had a chance to spin some up it will photograph better.
And finallt my best present ever ever, this is a picture if the scrapbook journal that Andy made for me, it shows our relationship frpm the begiining to know with pictures an everything, I am not going to share whats inside as its personal but I will say that it made me cry on Christmas morning no just because of what it depicts but because how much it must of taken Andy to do as he is always telling me craft isn't his thing but this proved hime very wrong, I can now answer the questions what would you rescue if the house was burning after all the animals and people are out :)
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Anonymous said...

What a beautiful present! I'm glad Christmas went well and you and Andy got some time to yourselves - you deserve it :)

mrspao said...

What a great present! Those are the best sorts of presents - he's a keeper!

Glad to hear Christmas went well and you managed to have some time to yourselves.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely surprise present! Pleased to read that you managed a peaceful day or two, and caught up on sleep. I hope 2007 will be a good one for you and Andy (and Womble).

maylin said...

Alls well that ends well. All the best for 2007