Wednesday, July 27, 2005

More spinning

The day wasn't great, fpr some reason this evening have been overpowered with this great sense of loss, usually I can pin point a trigger but can't think of anything specific this evening but I'm quite sad but trying to distract myself.
This task was helped by my bloglines feed seemed to be having a trouble, I started to worry as after the last couple of nights it has told me that there has been no updates on any of the blogs I read, now I know a lot of people are on holiday but there is usually at least one so I thought I would check and I discovered that I have been missing quite a bit and on some blogs I seemed to have missed up to seven entries so have spent the last couple of hours going through all of my feeds the old fashioned way and catching up.
I also packed a few more kits today and of course did some more spinning(it is definitely addictive) and here is the result

latest Experiment Posted by Picasa

This is before the twist has been set but wound into a hank but you can't really see the best bit about this, the sequins and the sparkle I think you can see some in this picture of it just off the spindle.

can you see the sequins Posted by Picasa

I think I spun enough for a hat so we shall see what happens tomorrow I know what I may be knitting at Liberty tomorrow.

Oh a quick update on cats this is what they got upto today

Wool what wool Posted by Picasa

Guess whose in disgrace this evening


Anonymous said...

wow - that is gorgeous. you are putting the book to good use aren't you?

Laura said...

Looks fab! I must learn how to spin...

Mia said...

Nice of you to spin yarn to match your kitty's fur.